The Institute for Six Sigma and Kaizen

The Institute for Six Sigma and Kaizen (The ISSK) was established, to train and certify professionals with high quality Continuous Improvement related programs needed to build Excellence in Manufacturing. All our programs are built to the standards, of programs offered by leading bodies such as, ASQ, BQF, JIPM, and Others.

About The Institute for Six Sigma and Kaizen

The Institute for Six Sigma and Kaizen (The ISSK) was founded with the intention to train and certify professionals on Continuous Improvement related programs such as, Lean Manufacturing, Building Manufacturing Excellence, Six Sigma concepts, and other related areas highly needed for the manufacturing sector. In practice, these areas have shown great integrity in transforming organizations to high performance organizations.

In the modern era, we see that Asia is transforming to be the superpower region in manufacturing. Nevertheless, we find that professionals seeking employment in this region are having a huge knowledge gap on concepts related to various Modern manufacturing and Continuous improvement strategies.ย 

The objective of forming The Institute for Six Sigma and Kaizen (The ISSK) is to train and certify professionals for the manufacturing sector with highly moderated courses and training materials which are designed to provide the necessary knowledge to drive modern manufacturing organizations to achieve Manufacturing Excellence and transform to World Class Organizations.

Therefore, our course developers work closely with industry experts in building courses tailored to the regional requirements.

The Institute for Six Sigma and Kaizen at a Glance
Ranked 5 in Continuous Improvement related Education
94 %
Positive Feedback
20 K+
7 +
Training Programs

Building Manufacturing Excellence and World Class Manufacturing.

Our Courses

All our courses are designed to meet modern industrial requirements providing the highest learning standards for the students. All our courses are built to be aligned and exceed the standards programs available with ASQ, BQF, JIPM, and other leading quality bodies. You may access all our programs which are either hosted Online or hosted Locally.

Certified 5S (i.e. 6S) Practitioner: In Building Lean Enterprises

This certification program is designed to give in depth knowledge about implementing of 5S (i.e. 6S) in a production floor. This program is designed to be aligned with ASQ, BQF, and some of the leading quality bodies. This program starts from the basic concepts of 5S and then progress towards the implementation of 5S, i.e. the implementation of the 6S Elements which includes Safety. Meanwhile you will learn some powerful 5S tools and techniques in this course.

Certified TPM Practitioner: In Building Lean Enterprises

This certification program is designed to give in depth knowledge about, Total Productive Maintenance i.e. TPM, all types of Maintenance strategies, reducing manufacturing losses and improving OEE, and TPM implementation in a plant. This program is designed to be aligned with ASQ, JIPM, The IET, and some of the leading Industrial bodies. This program is built to give you complete knowledge needed to work as a TPM Practitioner in a modern Manufacturing facility.

Certified Manufacturing Excellence Practitioner

This course is designed to give deep knowledge, in building Quality and Excellence on Manufacturing and Operational Processes, and then on Process improvement, QFD, TQM implementation, Statistical Process Control, Advanced Manufacturing strategies and achieving Competitive advantage, and various other concepts in building Manufacturing and Operational Excellence. This program exceeds the standards of ASQ, BQF, and Other leading Industrial management bodies.

Certified Lean Yellow Belt in Manufacturing

This Certification program is designed to be aligned with ASQ, BQF, and the academic level of other leading quality bodies. This program is designed to give you the basic overview of Lean concepts required in building Lean Enterprises. With the knowledge acquired form this course, you may be able execute small level Lean projects, or may assist the Green or Black Belt experts.

Certified Lean Green Belt in Manufacturing

This Green Belt Certification program is designed to be aligned with ASQ, BQF, and some of the leading quality bodies aiming to give you deep knowledge about Lean concepts required mainly for the Manufacturing sector. This program discusses about some powerful Lean tools, required in executing Lean projects. In addition, you will learn about few manufacturing strategies required in building Lean Enterprises.

Certified Lean Black Belt in Manufacturing

This Black Belt Certification program which is aligned with ASQ, BQF, and some of the other leading quality bodies mainly focus about advanced concepts in manufacturing development. This program discusses about plenty of powerful Lean tools, required in building Lean Enterprises. In addition, you will learn about many advanced manufacturing strategies and about many tools needed to improve product and process quality.

Certified Process Improvement Specialist: In improving the Production performance based on Work study and other methods

This Process Improvement Certification Program is designed to train any professional to work in improve the production performance in a factory mainly involving Work study methods and other Powerful tools and techniques which are used for this purpose. This course is designed to be aligned with ASQ, BQF, and with GSD concepts. In addition, you will learn how to use process Improvement cycles like the Kaizen cycle, DMAIC cycle, and the PDCA-SDCA cycle with any improvement projects.

Certified Continuous Improvement Manager: In building Lean Enterprises and achieving Excellence in Manufacturing

At present, this is the highest award awarded by us. By obtaining this certification, it is expected that you will be capable of leading and managing any Continuous Improvement related projects in Manufacturing firms. This program exceeds the standards of ASQ, BQF, JIPM, and other leading bodies. This certification is the integration of elements covering three major areas highly needed in building Lean Enterprise and achieve Excellence in Manufacturing while obtaining World Class Manufacturing standards.

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