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Certificate Verification

To verify any certificate issued by us, please send us a mail with a short description mentioning the reason/purpose of verifying the Certificate along with the Authorization ID printed on the Certificate. And you should receive a response within 2 working days.

For Support and Verifications

Business Center

Office 106711, PO Box 6945, London, W1A 6US, United Kingdom

For inquires on; Manufacturing consultancy, Plant automation solutions, Building machinery for customized production, Technology and Process upgrading, Building IIoT solutions, and etcโ€ฆ

Find our representatives in

Singapore โ”‚ United Arab Emirates โ”‚ Maldives

Academic Development Centre

6, Robert Road, Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia Area, Colombo, 10350, Sri Lanka

Incorporated as an Educational Institution specialized in Lean Manufacturing, Process Improvement, and Building Manufacturing Excellence; Registration number: PV 00241187